27 January 2016

Trust is like a vase...

Friendships are built on trust. 
It may take years to build this trust. To mold and shape it like a vase.
Much like a vase, this trust may be fragile. Which, over time, may be chipped, cracked or completely shattered.
It's possible to mend the shattered trust. Carefully placing the shards together and the result is a vase very similar to what was.
Yet it is different. Never the same vase.
It is still a vase. 
It may still function. 
Due to sentiment it is kept. Albeit stored away. Rarely touched. 
Yet, rarely touched. 
Replaced by a new vase, perhaps. One devoid of cracks albeit without the history of the previous vase. The new vase cannot replace the one of old. They will both serve their purpose, however. 

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