07 August 2006

FlIP-Flop Flux

Recently, my mind has been changing with the wind. Long story short, I am staying in New York and will be looking to enroll into college here. I have been looking at apartments in Brooklyn and will be rooming with a buddy of mine Tony. I met Tony several seasons back, or as I like to call it - The Summer of Liza. This is the same summer that birthed the infamous "gas station" picture.

Tony found a nice four bedroom duplex apartment a couple blocks from Pratt Institute. He will be taking care of most of the arrangements from here on out while I head back for another visit to Michigan.
From my last post, you can see I had all intentions of moving back to michigan to complete my BFA degree. The actual chain of events goes as follows:

I was going back to move my stuff out of storage in my frat and then head back to New York. Then, while there, I thought it was best to just stay and finish my degree. So, I started making arrangements to move my stuff back to Michigan. I have a love/hate with my state of birth (more on that to come). While I was there, all the motivation, the passion, that I was regaining from the energy here in New York started to fade. Immediately, I found myself falling back into those same routines, that same unhappiness. Sure, there are some comfort with familiarity, but after spending 3 months here, I kept thinking "can I come back here? If only for 8 months?"
After talking to my counselor in the school of art & design, it was clear my dean was going to want me to stay for two years - that, my friends, was out of the question. The school of art & design at the university of michigan has a NEW CURRICULUM. In this new curriculum, which was misrepresented to me when I was a high school senior - which resulted in me pulling my applications and rejectiong offers from other art schools (most in NY), dosen't offer color theory, perspective, or a host of other courses essential to a person like myself, interested in illustration. Why was I there?

I came back, looking to take classes here. Why not? I can continue school AND modeling. Getting back into school isn't as easy as I thought, but I have faith things will work out.

There is more opportunity for me here than anywhere else.

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