this generation, Generation Internet or whatever we are called has seen much.
From cross color to Cable, the dawn of the internet age, smart phones, home computers, Apples comeback, the pistons as NBA Champions, gay tolerance slowly becoming gay acceptance, Hispanics becoming the largest minority, the Tigers making a comeback (still waiting on the Lions), the worst attack on US soil on 9/11, the pending depression and worst economic scare of the century, to this:
America's First Black President, Barack Obama.
I'm not one to pull the race card, but to brush over such a significant milestone in our nations history would be absurd and grossly ignorant.
President-elect Barack Obama is a symbol of progress. of hope. a reminder that the American dream lives.
i never claimed to be political. and after 2000 and 2004, i cant say i didn't have a world of doubt and anxiety over the final result of Decision '08.
However, after seeing how the election went down, I am proud to be an American.
Sure, when I went to bed Obama narrowly won with a 5 point margin, but look at the electoral college: 338 votes to Mccain's 153 - not including the final decision from Indiana.
This is a President with power and influence to support his symbolism to numerous ideals and people.
is he going to be America's savior? maybe. maybe not. He is, however, what America needs.
here's to a Hope-Filled 4 years. Hell, hopefully 8!
05 November 2008
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